
We support people with mental and social problems.

Do you sometimes experience difficult times?
Do you feel alone and don't know how to cope with everyday life?
Would you like helpful support and counselling?

We at ABeSa offer you this support and work with you to make things better again.

We are happy to support you in applying for outpatient integration assistance and accompany you through the application process.

One of our areas of specialisation is the care of people with a history of migration.

To familiarise yourself with our support services, you can usually contact or visit us here between 10 am and 4 pm:

  • Altona (Mörkenstraße 41):
    Tel.: 040 / 75 06 55 70 od. 0151 / 188 402 65

  • Barmbek (Hamburger Straße 171):
    Tel.: 040 / 68 91 56 94 od. 0176 / 111 018 03 od. 0176 / 111 018 56

  • Billstedt/Horn (Washingtonallee 68, 60 oder 58):
    Tel.: 040 / 25 49 88 34 od. 65 99 47 83 od. 0176 / 312 130 65

  • Harburg (Bremer Straße 14):
    Tel.: 040 / 76 75 54 52 od. 0176 / 111 018 09

  • Rahlstedt (Oldenfelder Straße 62a):
    Tel.: 040 / 66 99 79 25 od. 0176 / 111 018 04 od. persischsprachig: 0176 / 111 018 28

  • Wilhelmsburg (Neuhöfer Straße 19):
    Tel.: 040 / 94 36 67 79 od. 0176 / 111 018 25

  • Head office:
    If you have general questions about our range of services, please call the Specialist Advice Centre: 040 / 401 899 97

    You can get an overview of the current counselling and group offers by clicking on the ‘offene Angebote’ of the individual locations under ‘Standorte’.

    Eingliederungshilfe Jugend- & Familienhilfe Kontakt